Design Guide: Recreation Centers Case Studies January 1976
main post road on its southern property line.
There are views of distant mountain ranges
This chapter presents case studies programs
from the site.
b. CURRENT USAGE. There are an average of
including Centers of 12,700 SF, 19,800 SF and
150-200 people in the existing Center at peak
27,800 SF; a Center in "found space" (an
hours of use during weekdays; when there are
existing building, not in use) and a remodeling
large group activities on weekends, attendance
of an existing standard design.
increases to about 300-350 people. The Center
These studies are not to be construed as
is operated by two full-time staff members.
definitive designs but as guides to demonstrate
how solutions were derived in specific contexts.
A full range of regular programs is provided at
The procedure, as well as the information
the Center as well as a small number of Special
presented, is in an abbreviated form to show a
Interest programs and a recently initiated
few of the important considerations. An
Information Tour & Travel program.
analysis in greater depth with more detailed
It is conjectured that use of the Center will
information would be required to actually plan
remain fairly constant in the future, but there is
and design a Recreation Center.
a possibility that the installation will grow.
6-2 12,700 S F C E N T E R
a. SITUATION. This installation is located in
FOR THE NEW CENTER. The following
activities are anticipated for the new Center.
the southwestern United States between two
These were planned on the expansion of
medium-size towns and approximately 45 miles
west of the state capital. The post consists of
current popular programs and the provision of
new activities in which patrons have expressed
1,500 enlisted personnel and has no training
units. The surrounding towns provide typical
leisure activities as well as unique opportunities
(1) Administrative. The professional staff,
for skiing, backpacking, and rock hunting in
involved in planning, supervising, and partic-
nearby mountains.
ipating in all programs at the Center, is assisted
Currently the Recreation Center is housed in a
by dependent and military volunteers who
temporary building which is scheduled for
conduct some of the planned activities. A staff
demolition to build new troop housing.
member operates the control desk and the ITT
Therefore, a new Recreation Center is to be
built as part of a small community center
(2) Large Group. Usually there will be three
located between the married enlisted men's and
planned weekly large group functions Friday
non-commissioned officers' housing and the
night dances, Saturday night socials with live
barracks complex. Other facilities in the
entertainment, and Sunday night films. Attend-
complex are an Arts and Crafts Center, Movie
ance will range from 200-250. In addition,
Theater, a Post Exchange with complete food
there will be hi-weekly demonstrations of
service, and a library.
Kung-Fu, fencing, and other exhibitions which
The post area climate is hot and arid with an
will have about 60-100 attendees. The Center
annual normal temperature range of 35-105
will be used for non-recreational events such as
unit parties in which about 200 people attend,
southwesterly breezes in summer, 18 mph.
as welI as community activities such as blood
The Center site is long and narrow with the