Chapter 7
b. Backstage
(1) Performers' Area
(a) Description. This area accommodates cast activity
during scheduled performances (including dress rehears-
als). Dressing, toilets, artists' lounge, green room, stage
door, and pre-entry assembly areas are commonly pro-
vided for all performing arts disciplines. Showers are
especially important for drama and dance. Drama facili-
ties must also include makeup areas, often separate
from dressing rooms with suitable mirrors, lighting,
countertop and washbasins. A costume wardrobe is rec-
ommended. Musicians need areas for warm-up and tun-
ing prior to performance. If none can be provided, a
more generous sound proofed dressing room is
(b) Space Allocation. See Table 7 - 69.
(c) Relationships. Spaces in the performers' area are
closely related to the stage. The stage door provides
controlled entry to backstage, away from the public entry,
often with a security post off stage. The Green Room
(sometimes used to meet guests and the press) should
be accessible from the house or public lobby. The cos-
tume wardrobe should be directly accessible from
Table 7 - 69 Space Allocation for Performers' Area
Size (Gross SF) based on Military Population
over 15,000
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