TM 5-810-15
1-1. Purpose
Table 1-1. Central Steam Plant Sizes.
This manual provides guidance for the design of
central steam plants for Army installations.
1-2. Scope.
0-100,000 pph
This manual considers steam plants with capacities
100,000-300,000 pph
from one to three boilers, each rated between
300,000-750,000 pph
20,000 and 250,000 pounds per hour (pph). Where
special conditions and problems are not specifically
covered in this manual, acceptable industry stan-
selected during plant design to conform to this
dards will be followed. Modifications or additions
standard. This standard also requires quality engi-
to existing systems solely for the purpose of meet-
neering, equipment, and operations and mainte-
ing criteria in this manual are not authorized. The
nance personnel. In order for boilers to have high
guidance and criteria herein are not intended to be
availability it is mandatory that a good water
retroactively mandatory. Clarification of the basic
treatment program be implemented. Availability
standards and guidelines for a particular application
guarantees offered by boiler manufacturers for coal
and supplementary standards which may be
fired units are in the range of 85 to 90 percent and
required for special cases may be obtained through
are in the range of 90 to 95 percent for gas fired
normal channels from HQUSACE, WASH DC
boilers. A planned outage of a minimum of one day
per year is normal for waterside inspection.
c. Maintenance. Steam plant arrangement will
1-3. References.
permit reasonable access for operation and mainte-
Appendix A contains a list of references used in this
nance of equipment. Careful attention will be given
to the arrangement of equipment, valves,
mechanical specialties, and electrical devices so that
1-4. Economic considerations.
rotors, tube bundles, inner valves, top works,
strainers, contactors, relays, and like items can be
The selection of one particular type of design for a
maintained or replaced. Adequate platforms, stairs,
given application, when two or more types of
handrails, and kickplates will be provided so that
design are known to be feasible, will be based on
operators and maintenance personnel can function
the results of an economic study.
conveniently and safely.
d. Future expansion. The specific site selected
1-5. Design philosophy.
for the steam plant and the physical arrangement of
a. General. Steam plants considered in this
the plant equipment, building, and support facilities
manual will be fired by gas, oil, gas-and-oil, coal,
such as natural gas supply lines, coal and ash
or waste fuels. Coal fired plants will use any
handling systems, coal storage, circulating water
combination of three commercially proven coal
system, trackage, and access roads will be arranged
firing technologies. These include atmospheric cir-
insofar as practicable to allow for future expansion.
culating fluidized bed (ACFB), pulverized coal and
stoker fired boilers. Stokers are designed to burn
1-6. Design criteria.
any one of the different types of anthracite, bitu-
a. General requirements. The design will provide
minous, sub-bituminous or lignite type coals.
for a steam plant which has the capacity to provide
ACFB boilers offer reduced sulfur dioxide emis-
the quantity and type of steam required.
sions without use of scrubbers while firing a wide
b. Steam loads. The following information, as
range of lower cost fuels such as high sulfur coal
applicable, is required for design:
and waste fuels. To provide a quick scale for the
(1) A forecast of annual and monthly diversi-
fied peak loads to be served by the project.
plants under review here, several categories have
(2) Typical, seasonal, weekly and daily load
been developed, as shown in table 1-1.
curves and load duration curves of the load to be
served. Figures 1-1 and 1-2 show example load
will be equivalent to a 1-day forced outage in 10
duration curves.
years with equipment quality and redundancy