TM 5-810-15
(3) A forecast of peak loads encountered dur-
design is based on compliance coal, the design will
include space and other required provisions for the
(4) If the plant is to operate in conjunction
installation of equipment. Boiler design will be
with any existing steam generation on the base or
specified as required for nitrous oxides (NOx)
is an expansion of an existing facility, the designer
will also need the following:
(NOx) emissions because of their relatively low
(a) An inventory of major existing steam
generation equipment giving principle characteris-
reduction (SNCR) systems are now being required
tics such as type, capacities, steam characteristics,
by several states even on ACFB boiler installations
pressures and like parameters.
to meet new NOx allowable emissions limits (AEL)
(b) Incremental thermal efficiency of exist-
that are more stringent.
f. Waste disposal. Both solid and liquid wastes
ing boiler units.
(c) Historical operating data for each exist-
will be handled and disposed of in an environmen-
ing steam generating unit giving energy generated,
tally acceptable manner. The wastes can be catego-
fuel consumption, and other related information.
rized generally as follows:
(1) Solid wastes. These include both bottom
(5) Existing or recommended steam distribu-
tion systems to support base operations.
(2) Liquid wastes. These include boiler blow-
(6) A complete fuel analysis for each fuel
being considered for use in the plant. Coal analyses
down, cooling tower blowdown, acid and caustic
shall include proximate analysis, ultimate analysis,
water treating wastes, coal pile runoff, and various
grindability, higher heating value, ash analysis, ash
contaminated wastes from chemical storage areas,
sanitary sewage and yard areas.
g. Other environmental considerations. Other
(7) Plant site conditions must be identified to
include ambient temperature ranges, maximum
and aesthetic treatment of the project. The final
expected wind conditions, snow load, seismic
location of the project within the site area will be
conditions and any other site conditions that could
reviewed in relation to its proximity to hospital and
affect the design of the boiler and its accessories.
office areas and the civilian neighborhood, if
(8) Water quality available to the boiler to
applicable. Also, the general architectural design
include such things as total dissolved solids, pH,
will be reviewed in terms of coordination and
blending with the style of surrounding buildings.
(9) All codes that pertain to design, construc-
Any anticipated noise or aesthetics problem will be
tion and placing of the boiler and its accessories
resolved prior to the time that final site selection is
into operation need to be identified.
h. Construction cost estimate. The following
(10) If any of the above data which is
required for performing the detailed design is
items should be considered in the construction cost
unavailable, the designer will develop this data.
estimate for a boiler plant.
c. Fuel source and cost. The type, availability,
(1) Substructure
and cost of fuel will be determined in the early
(2) Structural Steel
stages of design, taking into account environmental
(3) Superstructure
regulatory requirements that may affect fuel and
(4) Painting
fuel characteristics of the plant.
d. Water supply. Fresh water is required for the
Ash Handling Systems Foundations
boiler cycle makeup. Quantity of makeup will vary
(6) Stack Foundations
with the type of boiler plant, amount of condensate
return for any export steam, and the maximum heat
rejection from the cycle.
(8) Roads, Grading & Site Improvements
e. Stack emissions. A steam plant will be de-
(9) Ash Pond, Coal Runoff Pond & Coal Pile
signed for the type of stack gas cleanup equipment
which meets federal, state, and local emission
(10) Railroad Siding
requirements. For a coal fired boiler, this will
(11) Water & Sewers
involve an electrostatic precipitator or baghouse for
(12) Fencing
particulates or fly ash removal, and a scrubber for
flue gas desulfurization (FGD) unless fluidized bed
(14) Particulate Control Equipment
(15) Sulfur Removal Equipment