TM 5-810-15
i. Special considerations.
supported such that expansion and contraction will
not impose detrimental loads and stresses on
(1) Crane bay-provide removable openings
related structures.
in floor above major equipment for removal by sta-
(5) Snow loading. Snow load assumptions
tion crane (if provided).
will be in accordance with TM 5-809-1.
(2) Provide hoists and supports for mainte-
h. Architectural treatment.
nance on pumps, fans and other heavy equipment.
(1) The architectural treatment will be devel-
Provide a beam into the plant to hoist equipment to
oped to harmonize with the site conditions, both
an upper level.
natural and manmade. Depending on location, the
(3) All anchor bolts for equipment will be
environmental compatibility may be the determining
sleeved to allow adjustment for final alignment of
factor. In other cases the climate or user
preference, tempered with aesthetic and economic
factors, will dictate architectural treatment.
2-7. Heating, ventilating and air conditioning
(2) For special circumstances, such as areas
systems (HVAC).
where extended periods of very high humidity,
a. General. System analysis and design proce-
frequently combined with desert conditions giving
dures provided in the American Society of Heating,
rise to heavy dust and sand blasting action, indoor
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers
construction with pressurized ventilation will be
(ASHRAE) Guide for Data books and TM 5-810-1
should be followed, unless otherwise stated or
(3) Control rooms, offices, locker rooms,
specifically directed by other criteria.
and some outbuildings will be enclosed regardless
b. Design considerations. When a computer pro-
of enclosure selected for main building.
gram is required, provisions for showing an esti-
(4) Equipment room size will provide
mate of the hourly space heating and cooling
adequate space for equipment installation,
requirements, and hourly performance of the heat-
maintenance and removal. A minimum of aisle
ing and cooling system can be structured. When
space between items will be 4 feet if feasible.
manual computation is used, the heating and
Provide a minimum of 8 feet clearance between
cooling load estimates will be in accordance with
boilers 60,000 pph and larger. If future expansion
the current edition of the ASHRAE Handbook of
is planned, size of room will be based on future
requirements. Equipment room construction will
allow for equipment removal and include double
2-8. Drainage.
doors and steel supports for chain hoists. Adequate
a. Drains which may contain coal or oil will have
ventilation and heating will be included.
suitable separators to separate coal or oil from
drainage before being connected to sewer lines.
b. Provide drains and connect to storm water
drainage system for diked areas for above ground
passage of the largest equipment units. Make
oil storage.
openings for ventilation louvers, breechings, and
c. Maximum temperature of effluent to the drain
piping where necessary. Fire doors, fire shutters or
system will be as required by governing codes. A
a combination of both, may be required.
temperature regulating valve will be used to inject
(6) On multiple floor installations, provide a
potable water into the high temperature waste
freight elevator.
stream from the blowdown tank. This technique
(7) Furnish necessary shower room, toilet
will also be used on other equipment as required.
room facilities and lockers for operating personnel
for both sexes in buildings. The plant should
2-9. Plant design safety.
contain a sampling laboratory space, storage area,
a. Introduction. The safety features described in
small repair area, control room (in larger plants),
the following paragraphs will be incorporated into
the steam plant design to assist in maintaining a
chemical storage area, office space for supervisors
high level of personnel safety.
and clerks. Parking spaces for plant personnel and
b. Design safety features. In designing a steam
visitors should be provided near the boiler plant.
plant, the following general recommendations on
(8) Finish of plant interior walls and tunnels
safety will be given attention:
will have a coating which will permit hose down or
(1) Equipment will be arranged with
scrubbing of areas.
adequate access space for operation and for
(9) Concrete will be in accordance with TM
5-805-1, American Concrete Institute (ACI) 318
and 301.