TM 5-815-1/AFR 19-6
b. Process application.
dictate Best Available Control Technology
(1) The fluidized bed can be utilized to control
(BACT) be used to control SO2 and NO2
SO2 emissions when high sulfur fuels are
used. Also reduction of SO2 emissions can be
(3) Nitrogen oxide emissions can be controlled
achieved when nonattainment areas are look-
with a fluidized bed boiler. The fluidized bed
ing for additional steam for process. The
boiler generates very little thermal nitrogen
oxide because of the low temperature of
control emissions makes this technology
particularly suited for applications where
(4) Pressurized fluidized bed boilers continue in
stringent emissions control regulations are in
research and development. Higher efficiency
designs for utility applications involve consid-
(2) Steam generation in a fluidized bed boiler
erably higher initial costs and design
versus a conventional boiler will not be
complexity. Also, a cost effective way to
economical when using compliance coal for
clean up the hot flue gases before they reach
control of sulfur dioxide emissions. However,
the turbine has not been found.
several studies indicate that fluidized bed
(5) The fluidized bed boiler can be used to
boilers are competitive with conventional coal
incinerate low grade fuels that would be
fired boilers that include flue-gas
normally considered waste residues.
desulfurization systems. Facility location may