TM 5-815-1/AFR 19-6
(2) A complete evaluation of fuels to be burned
should be given consideration in selection of
a. Fuel Application.
the equipment. Many factors including
(1) A wide range of high grade and low grade
heating value, moisture, ash fusion
fuels of solid, liquid or gaseous type can be fired. The
temperature, sulfur content, and ash content
primary applications are fuels with low heating value,
will affect the system configuration.
high sulfur, waste materials, usually the least
(3) Fuel sizing is important. For coal it is recom-
expensive. Fuel can be lignite, coal washing waste
mended that it not be run-of-mine. It should
(culm), high sulfur coal, delayed petroleum coke, or
be crushed to avoid large rocks and pieces of
waste material that would not burn satisfactorily in a
coal causing problems in the bed. Coal sizing
conventional boiler. The fluidized bed boiler has the
is important and will vary with each fluidized
ability to burn most any residual fuel and reduce
bed manufacturer. Typically, sizing will vary
emissions by removal of sulfur compounds in the
from 0 -- inch x 0 for overfeed systems to
inch x 0 for underfeed systems.