TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
Figure 4-3. Schematic Illustration of Flanking Paths of Sound.
Drywall is generally poor at low frequency noise
combination of walls, glass and doors. Walls can
reduction and is also very susceptible to poor
generally be classified as fixed walls of drywall or
installation. Drywall partitions must be thor-
masonry, or as operable walls.
oughly caulked with a nonhardening acoustical
a. Drywall walls. These walls consist of drywall,
caulk at the edges. Tape and spackle is an accept-
studs and, sometimes, fibrous blankets within the
able seal at the ceiling and side walls. Electrical
stud cavity.
boxes, phone boxes, and other penetrations should
(1) Drywall. Drywall is a lightweight, low-cost
not be back-to-back, but be staggered at least 2
material, and can provide a very high STC when
feet, covered with a fibrous blanket, and caulked.
used correctly. The use of Type X, or fire-rated
Multiple layers of drywall should be staggered.
drywall of the same nonrated drywall thickness,
Wood stud construction has poor noise reduction
will have a negligible effect on acoustical ratings.