UFC 3-600-02
1 January 2001
Table 2-7. Water Mist Systems ITM Tasks (Continued)
5-12 Years
1. Storage Vessels
1. Conduct hydrostatic test for
pressure cylinders in accordance
with US Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA) and
US Department of Transportations
(DOT) standards.
As Part of
Entire System
1. Visually check:
a. Check pipe hangers.
b. Check heads for obstruction.
c. Check piping for leaks.
d. Check riser condition.
e. Check nozzle spares.
2. Ensure:
b. Panels secured and indicator lamps
c. Notification appliances in place.
d. Manual stations in place and
Foam and Foam-Water Systems. Table 2-8 addresses low expansion foam
systems for flammable liquid tanks as covered in NFPA 11. Table 2-9 addresses low
expansion foam spray and sprinkler systems including aqueous film forming foam (AFFF),
as covered in NFPA 16, 16A, and 25. Table 2-10 addresses high expansion foams as
covered in NFPA 11A.
Table 2-8. Low Expansion Foam Systems for Flammable Liquid Tanks ITM Tasks
1. Foam Concentrate
1. Inspect for quality and evidence
1. Test to verify operability and
2. Foam Pumps/Proportioners
proper proportioning.
2. Flush pumps after operation.
3. System Actuators
1. Verify all manual and automatic
actuation functions.
1. Inspect and clean if necessary.
4. Foam Concentrate
1. Ensure discharge devices are
5. Distribution/Discharge
free of damage.
2. Inspect pipe and hanger to verify
support and pitch.
Table 2-8. Low Expansion Foam Systems for Flammable Liquid Tanks ITM