EI 01D010
1 September 1997
During Construction (EDC), O&M Manuals, As-Built,
and Government Laboratory Quality Assurance (QA) as
applicable for the particular project.
14. For Civil Works, the TOTAL CWE includes all
1. Comply with applicable guidance (ER 1110-1-
Federal and authorized non-Federal costs. Ensure the
1300, ER 1110-2-1302, ER 1110-3-1300, and
project manager provides costs for land and damages;
ER 1110-3-1301).
engineering and design; construction management; and
construction features are coordinated with CWBS. The
2. Prepare cost estimate using MCACES, as
cost engineer will incorporate these costs into the
appropriate, and structured using the appropriate
TOTAL CWE utilizing MCACES as appropriate. The
Work Breakdown Structure for military programs,
cost estimate becomes fully funded when inflation is
civil works and HTRW.
added to the estimate. An estimate for profit is included
3. Prepare narrative with statement
costs represent the total cost of the project; however,
summarizing purpose of estimate and brief
profit is not included in the Government estimate for
statement and description of the project.
authorized civil work contracts for award. Profit is
included in construction contracts for modifications and
change orders.
design, 30%, 60%, 90%, 100%, and bid).
15. Minimize use of lump sum pricing. If used, the
5. Clearly identify and define assumptions, identify
lump sum description must indicate in detail what is
significant features upon which the cost estimate is
included in the price and whether or not it is based on a
6. Identify significant findings during preparation
16. Use prevailing current location-specific wage rates
in the estimate.
Consider market rates for labor to
Develop notes throughout the estimate,
ensure there is reasonable competition on-going in the
particularly to identify sequencing of construction
area where the construction is being performed and/or
activities and crew productions and include in the
may be competing with the domestic projects being
MCACES notes reference.
8. Separate subcontract work from prime contract
17. Check derived unit costs with historical data when
available. Override UPB labor and/or material unit
prices as required, to fit project-specific conditions.
9. Identify separate markups for subcontractors and
prime contractor.
18. Complex or Major features of a project should
include a detailed breakdown for labor, equipment and
10. Identify sources of unit prices and vendor or
subcontractor quotes.
19. Calculate home office overhead as a percentage of
11. Include design contingencies and construction
total contract cost.
contingencies in the cost estimate, if appropriate.
20. Include bond costs in estimate.
12. Include cost growth (escalation) from the date
of the estimate to the mid-point of construction
Calculate prime and subcontractor profit by
and/or operation. Identify source of index used for
Weighted Guidelines method.
escalation (Tri-service, CWCCIS, etc.)
22. Provide Cost Engineering Branch point of contact
13. For Military and HTRW projects, the Current
and telephone number.
Working Estimates (CWE) includes amounts for
Construction Management (S&A), Engineering