EI 01D010
1 September 1997
(9) DD Form 1391 Processor (DD 1391).
d. Assemblies data base. The Assemblies data
The DD Form 1391 Processor is an interactive
base stores common groupings of related work tasks,
computer program which assists users in preparing
each representing a composite cost required to create
the programming construction cost estimate shown
a larger piece of a project rather than a single task.
on the DD Form 1391, Military Construction Project
The individual cost items within each assembly are
Data. The DD Form 1391 is used by DOD agencies
either extracted from the UPB or from the labor and
to justify the need of a military project and serves as
equipment data bases. The data base is broken down
a funding request for the Authorization and
according to the WBS. Each assembly includes
Appropriation of Military Construction funds by
parameter worksheets, requiring only that you input
Congress. The cost estimate generator of the DD
the parameters appropriate for your specific job.
Form 1391 Processor has capabilities for automatic
Using assemblies can greatly reduce the amount of
computation of area cost factor adjustments, size
data entry required to build a project or model.
factor adjustments, and automatic escalation
computation. It uses the cost data from HAG to
e. Other data bases. Other TRACES data bases
generate costs of facilities. PC cost is recommended
include the crews data base, labor rates data base,
over this main frame module.
and equipment rates data base.
f. Work Breakdown Structure. This data file
E-3. Overview of TRACES Data
provides a separate hierarchical work breakdown
bases and Files
master structure for use as a template in formatting
cost estimates for civil works, military, and HTRW
a. Data bases and files used by the
TRACES modules are as follows:
g. Cost escalation index. The cost escalation
b. UPB data base. The UPB data base is
index provides a historic and projected cost index for
a collection of common construction detail line
cost escalation adjustment due to inflationary factors.
item tasks used in developing project estimates
These index values are national average which
for military, civil works, and HTRW programs.
applies to construction costs.
The UPB is organized in accordance with the
Construction Specification Institute (CSI)
h. Area Cost Factor (ACF) index. The ACF
numbering system. These material costs can be
index is used in adjusting estimated costs to a
modified to reflect localized costs for other
specific geographical area. The factors reflect the
locations. Each task listed provides unit costs
average surveyed difference for each location in
for labor, equipment, and materials. Localized
direct costs between that location and the national
UPB' can be developed by modifying the key
average location.
rates in the national UPB.
i. Facility cost ($/SF). This index is a listing of
c. Models data base. This data base contains
facility unit costs normalized to a geographical
groupings of assemblies for a whole facility or
location factor of 1.00. Unit prices reflect costs
sitework entity. Linkage between assemblies and
forecast on the basis of an assumed midpoint of
assemblies to tasks are by WBS or as exists in a
construction date.
historic estimate. Linkage algorithms are provided
to the cost engineer for project-specific estimate
j. Historical Cost Analysis System (HCAS).
refinement. At the heart of the detail pricing is the
HCAS is a stand-alone system to store historical cost
UPB task costs. Using models can reduce the time
data for HTRW remedial action projects. Project
for estimate preparation but relies heavily on past
costs are stored in the program using an HCAS-
developed category code and the Remedial Action
Work Breakdown Structure (RAWBS). The user