EI 01D010
1 September 1997
automated system is not a replacement for good
estimator judgment.
e. Automation proponents. HQUSACE is the
E-1. General
proponent for all cost engineering systems with
providing software support for system development.
a. General. Cost engineer regulations for civil
works, military programs, and HTRW direct the use
E-2. Overview of Tri-Service
of automation in developing cost estimates. This
Automated Cost Engineering
appendix provides general information on using this
System (TRACES)
automation and an overview of existing systems.
Detailed guidance on the use of each system can be
a. TRACES is the Tri-Services umbrella link-
found in the appropriate system user manual for each
ing all automated cost engineering systems and their
software program.
associated data bases. The entire system seeks to
provide a user friendly cost engineering platform in
b. Use of cost engineering automated systems.
a standard environment that will provide the cost
The use of cost engineering automated systems
engineer the tools to prepare, review, and maintain
all types of cost estimates. Software for scheduling
construction projects is also linkable to TRACES.
standardization of estimating procedures and
Figure E-1 depicts the overall components of
provides estimates that are easily reviewed, revised
and adapted to new projects or situations.
Standardization assists in collection and analysis of
b. TRACES includes the following systems/
historical costs that can be used to develop budget
modules: a detailed quantity take-off, cost engi-
estimates, for cost comparison purposes, for
neering system (MCACES); a parametric system for
reporting and tracking of project cost data, and for
the preparation of less than fully detailed design
the building of parametric models.
estimates; a dredge cost engineering system
(CEDEP); a cost estimating system for preparation
c. Software updates and new systems.
of programming cost estimates (PC Cost); a life-
Automation continues to develop at a rapid pace.
cycle cost (LCC) module for analysis of system
Minor upgrades may occur annually and major
design alternatives; a historical cost analysis gene-
system changes can occur every two or three years.
rator (HAG) to collect, store, and analyze historical
Major new systems may be fielded at any time. Cost
cost data for facilities, and sitework. Other
engineers should insure that they are using the latest
system/modules in TRACES include the scheduling
available version of the software as directed by
interface module and risk analysis systems.
(1) Micro Computer-Aided Cost Engineer-
d. Limitations on the use of automation.
ing System (MCACES). The MCACES is a multi-
Automation is just a tool and cannot take the place of
user software program used for the preparation of
professional cost engineering knowledge or
detailed construction cost estimates for military, civil
judgment. The cost engineer should always be
works, and HTRW programs. The system also
knowledgeable of the system' capabilities and
includes a project data base and supporting data
limitations in relation to a project. The cost engineer
bases. The supporting data bases include UPB,
must be especially careful in using models and in
crews, assemblies, labor rates, equipment ownership
adapting existing estimates to new projects to insure
schedule costs and models. All data bases work in
that there are neither duplications or omissions in
conjunction with each other to produce a detailed
the estimate. Output should be checked for
cost estimate. The data bases are described in the
reasonableness and assumptions and methodology
MCACES users manual.
should be verified and documented. The best cost