TI 802-01
15 May 1998
The Code 3 Design with Parametric Estimating process for Military Construction (MILCON) is
an excellent project execution tool for installation support. This process fosters quality through
customer involvement in the development of project definition, scope and budget cost estimates.
It is our obligation to innovate our design process. We must be responsive to the needs of our
installations; we must simplify our design and procurement processes. The key to success is to
minimize cost and time growth while enhancing quality and customer satisfaction. We are
making good progress in these areas.
This Technical Instructions (TI) applies to Major Subordinate Commands (MSC), district
commands and technical centers, and other
field offices having MILCON
responsibilities. This TI is intended to be used by
for the Army MILCON projects in
support of Army installations, as appropriate, when Code 3 design directives are released.
This TI is effective upon issuance and distributed only in electronic media, primary through
TECHINFO Internet site at
Hard copies
produced by the user from the electronic media should be checked against the current electronic
version prior to use to assure that the latest instructions are used.