TI 802-01
15 May 1998
b. Reengineering the Process. The traditional 35 percent project development and budget
estimate can be costly and time consuming, especially when considering that some projects fail to
be included in the President's budget submitted to the Congress. With the continuing emphasis
on the reduction of the cost of doing business, simplification of the project formulation process
must be implemented to reduce the efforts and costs of developing preliminary designs so as to
minimize design breakage. The paucity of design and resources require the Army to reengineer
the project and design development process utilizing Code 3 Design with Parametric Estimating,
when applicable. This process:
(1) Allows for the development of reliable budget estimates with minimal project design.
(2) Reduces the design breakage for projects deleted from the MILCON program.
(4) Permits efficient use of limited P&D funds.
(5) Requires customer participation.
c. Project Application. This TI is applicable, but not be limited to the MCA projects
authorized with Code 3 design directives and is best suit for construction projects where DA
standard designs, USACE standard designs, design guide sketches, sketch designs or project
designs exist that meet the requirements of the customer.
3. REFERENCES. The following up-to-date references should be used with this TI:
a. Project DD Form 1391, Military Construction Project Data.
b. Installation Real Property Master Plan.
c. Local Installation Design Guide, if available.
d. Department of the Army (DA) standard design packages, when applicable.
e. Technical Instructions (TI), Design Criteria, latest edition, and the criteria documents
referenced therein.
f. Corps of Engineers Guide Specifications (CEGS).
g. Corps of Engineers Cost Engineering Instructions and Regulations.