TI 802-01
15 May 1998
a. Purpose. The purpose of this Technical Instructions (TI) is to provide design policy and
technical guidance to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) for Army Military
Construction (MILCON) projects when Code 3 design directives are released. Code 3 design
directives are intended to accelerate early execution of project design, provide better definition of
customer requirements, improve customer involvement, and implement the use of parametric
estimating, at a minimum expenditure of Planning and Design (P&D) funds. The purpose of this
TI is to define and develop the scope of a project, its site and cost requirements in sufficient
details to assure the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) and the Congress that the Army
has an executable project.
b. Applicability. This TI is effective immediately and applies to Major Subordinate Commands
(MSC), district commands and technical centers, and other USACE field offices having MILCON
responsibilities, herein referred to as the design agency. It supersedes the AEI for Project
Engineering with parametric Estimating published on 6 February 1996.
c. Reproduction. Local reproduction of this TI, or any subsequent editions, is authorized.
d. Proponent Office. This TI is a living document and will be periodically reviewed, updated,
republished, and redistributed. The proponent office having responsibility for maintaining and
publishing this TI is the Cost Engineering and Programs Formulation Branch, Engineering and
Construction Division, Directorate of Military Programs, HQUSACE. The point of contact for
this TI is Mr. Robert Wong (202) 761-1241, FAX (202) 761-0999, E-MAIL Robert.T.Wong @
USACE.ARMY.MIL. Recommended changes, with the rationale for the changes, should be sent
to HQUSACE, ATTN: CEMP-EE, 20 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20314-1000.
a. Facilities Planning. During the 1987 Congressional session, the Air Force presented a
parametric cost estimating system that could be used to prepare budget estimate submittals for
military construction projects. As a result, the Congressional Armed Services Conference Report
#101-331, 7 November 1989 (Page 678) stated that the conferees had no objection to the use of
parametric facilities planning for the basis of budget requests for military construction projects.