TI 802-01
15 May1998
(1) Engineering Instruction, EI 01D010, Construction Cost Estimates.
(2) Engineering Regulations, ER 1110-3-1300, Military Programs Cost Engineering.
h. AR 415-15, Army Military Construction Program Development and Execution.
i. Title 10 U.S.C. Sec. 2807(b), Architectural and Engineering Services and Construction
j. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 236.601.
k. ER 5-1-11, Program and Project Management Regulations
a. Design Directive. The design process for applicable projects is changed by substituting a
Project Definition (PD) phase for the traditional 35 percent design phase. The PD phase will be
authorized under a Code 3 design directive. Clear and final project definition requirements will be
accomplished by the design agency, with customer involvement throughout the process.
b. Project Definition Services. As stated in AR 415-15, reference 3.h. above, under a Code 3
design release, the design agency will perform the following project definition services as
applicable. The project scope and budget cost estimates will be developed based on the final
project definition requirements. In the event that there is insufficient design funding, the design
agency is responsible to coordinate with HQUSACE, ATTN: CEMP-M, to obtain additional
funds or to simplify the project definition requirements as appropriate.
(1) Prepare preliminary sketches of a site plan and area plan showing project features such
as proposed buildings, roads, parking areas, etc.
(2) Prepare pre-design level functional relationship diagram showing functional space
(3) Review existing geo-technical data to determine possible impact on cost. If existing
data is not available or is insufficient, limited geo-technical investigation should be conducted as
(4) Identify probable utility connection points.