TI 802-01
15 May 1998
site/location plan and cross-sections.
(e) In the event that there is no selected site for the project, or if the project is moved
to another site during the course of project development, then HQUSACE, ATTN: CEMP-M will
be immediately notified by the design agency.
(3) Utilities Site Plans, if applicable.
(a) At Enclosure 2 is a Sample Utilities Site Plan Sketch.
(b) Utilities site sketches should be prepared based on accurate information obtained
during on-site visits and surveys or based on previous information available if sufficiently
accurate. The building location, the size and capacities of existing utilities and their connection
points, and the estimated size and capacities of new utilities needed for the project, including
electric, water, gas, steam, voice and data communication and other utilities, should be shown.
(c) Sketches for utility projects only can be shown by a combined site/location plan
with a key for utility system identification.
(4) Floor Plans, Exterior Elevations and Cross-Sections, if applicable.
(a) DA standard designs must be used when applicable.
(b) At Enclosure 3 is a Sample Functional Space Relationship Diagram. Floor plan or
plans in simple sketch form, either single line or double lines as appropriate, for buildings and
structures should be provided showing functional spaces and areas, utilization, and major pieces
of building equipment. DA standard designs will be photocopy reduced to the 215 mm x 280 mm
(8 " x 11") letter size format. Only significant layouts and dimensions should be shown. The
proposed use of partitioned areas on the floor plan or plans should be shown using standard and
well known room designations. A numbering system should be used that is keyed to descriptions
to label functional areas if space is limited on the sketch drawings. A typical room or module with
its basic dimensions should be used where appropriate for repetitive areas such as in UEPH.
(c) At Enclosure 4 is a Sample Exterior Elevation and Cross-Section. Exterior
elevations and cross-sections should be provided to facilitate visualizing the project, if applicable.
The architectural style, significant materials and dimensions, if available, should be clearly shown
in the exterior elevations.
(d) Isometric sketches are optional and may be used if necessary for clarification of the
project. Isometric sketches should only be used when necessary to show details that are not