TI 802-01
15 May 1998
readily evident from the floor plans and exterior elevations.
c. Narrative Report. A narrative report in 215 mm x 280 mm (8 " x 11") letter size format
will be prepared indicating information, as appropriate, but not shown on the sketch drawings.
The report should be typed. The use of personnel computers (PC) to generate the report is
encouraged. This report should include, but not be limited to, the following:
(1) Minutes of all investigative and fact finding conferences and meetings with the
customer, including the results of the Charrette, when applicable.
(2) A general summary statement indicating the basic project design, including, but not
limited to, design assumptions, preliminary calculations, economic analysis considerations, fire
protection, and life safety and energy conservation considerations. The total cost of these
features must be also included in the Code 3 design. Systems, equipment and materials listed as
design requirements must be validated as environmentally sound, technically feasible accordance
with the criteria requirements outlined in the TI for Design Criteria, reference 3.e.
(a) In addition, an energy and water conservation narrative will be provided, verifying
that the design complies with all Federal energy and water conservation criteria, and incorporates
feasible, functional and cost effective energy and water conservation alternatives. Innovative
energy and water conservation designs, such as solar, thermal storage, desiccant cooling, and grey
water will be considered, and where cost effective, will be included in the Code 3 design. The TI
for Design Criteria, the Corps of Engineers Guide Specifications, and other criteria include
Federal requirements for energy and water conservation.
(b) Special type contracting alternatives, such as Demand Side Management,
Performance Contracting , and available utility rebate programs will be pursued to the maximum
extent possible and included in the Code 3 design, when applicable.
(3) Results of the survey of the site, soil borings, subsurface investigations if required, and
existing utilities including their capacities and expansion capabilities, and other site data. If
applicable, indicate the type of heat distribution systems (for example, high temperature water,
low temperature heating water, steam) and indicate whether the system will be above ground,
shallow concrete trench or direct buried pipe.
(4) An architectural compatibility statement indicating conformance to the Installation
Design Guide, if available.
(5) A description of the floor and roof loads (dead and live loads), wind loads, seismic
requirements, and any unusual structural spans, if applicable.