TI 802-01
15 May 1998
the project data has been gathered and a tentative project scope defined, a Charrette, when
applicable, that includes all team members and customers will be held to finalize the project
definition, scope, and the parametric cost estimate.
b. Congressional Notification. If the total estimated cost of design, including the Code 3
design, is estimated to exceed 0,000.00, Congressional notification under Title 10 U.S.C. Sec.
2807(b) is required before the initiation of design (see Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation
Supplement 236.601). This notification requirement applies whether the design is done by in-
house personnel or by A/E contract, or by any combination thereof. Notification is made by
OACSIM and communicated through command channels to the design agency.
a. General.
(1) Parametric estimating consists of a computer-based methodology that uses factors
based on engineering parameters developed from historical cost databases, construction practices,
and engineering and construction technology. These factors include physical properties that
describe project definition characteristics, such as size, building type, foundation type, exterior
materials, roof type and materials, number of floors, functional space requirements, and utility
requirements, etc.
(2) The major advantage of parametric estimating is that it can provide detailed
construction cost breakdowns in Tri-Service work breakdown structure (WBS) quickly and at
relatively low cost with only limited analysis of the facility.
(3) Parametric estimating is only as good as the effort expended in identifying the key
project inputs. It must be based upon an accurately developed project definition and scope.
Assumptions, for alternative building systems, must be documented to understand the potential
cost problems to the overall project costs.
(4) Parametric estimating efforts are always critical during the development of budgetary
estimates for OSD and Congressional appropriation and authorization.
b. Automated Cost Estimating. Using available Tri-Service parametric cost estimating
software is highly recommended.
A report for the parametric design and cost estimating includes a cover sheet, simplified