TI 802-01
15 May1998
sketches, narrative description, and parametric estimate.
a. Cover Sheet. A 215 mm x 280 mm (8 " x 11") cover sheet will be provided for all
projects. The cover sheet shall indicate the name and location of the design agency, name of the
project and installation, the Fiscal Year, and approval signature blocks for the customer
(Installation Commander) and the design agent (District Engineer). Other signature blocks may
be provided, such as the Director for Public Works, Military Unit Commander designated to be
the end-user, and/or the Chief, Engineering Division in the design agency.
b. Simplified Sketches. Simplified sketch drawings will be used to present the scope of
projects, when applicable. All sketches should be high quality, clear, concise and uncluttered by
extraneous detail for ease of reading.
(1) Format. Sketch drawings should be presented on 215 mm x 280 mm (8 " x 11")
letter size sheets or, if necessary, with 280 mm x 430 mm (11" x 17") fold-out sheets, but no
larger. A graphic bar scale and North Arrow should be provided on each separate sketch. A
site/location plan, utilities site plan, floor plan or plans, and exterior elevations of the primary
facility or facilities should be included, if applicable. A cross-section may be provided if
appropriate. Freehand drafting and lettering is encouraged; however, Computer Aided Drafting
(CAD) or a combination of freehand and CAD is recommended if it expedites project
(2) Site/Location Plan.
(a) At Enclosure 1 is a Sample Site/Location Plan Sketch. If necessary, site and
location plans may be presented on separate sheets.
(b) As much of the project area as necessary should be included to convey meaningful
information to someone who has not visited the location. The following should be included:
- Project location in relation to major landmarks or features on the installation.
- Proximity of related facilities which could influence the project operation.
- Major project features such as buildings, roads, parking areas, etc.
(c) Inserts with an overall view of the installation should be used to show widely
separated but related facilities.
(d) Sketches for pavement projects only can be effectively shown by a combined