TI 802-01
15 May 1998
(5) Provide a summary of environmental issues that would impact the cost of the project
and require waivers and permits.
(6) Prepare pre-design level description narrative for mechanical, electrical, structural, and
information systems. Determine approximate heating, cooling, and electrical loads.
(7) Identify unusual requirements (for example, special foundations, security and force
protective design, asbestos or lead based paint abatement, special considerations, etc., ) that will
influence the cost.
(8) Prepare a written report of the basis of design including design assumptions, and
economic analysis considerations.
(9) The Code 3 design effort is not complete until it incorporates all valid comments and is
approved by the using agency, installation, and MACOM.
(10) Thoroughly involve the user and obtain input and approval throughout all steps of this
(11) Prepare a parametric cost estimate based on the complete Code 3 design effort and
submit a CWE for budget purposes to HQUSACE by 1 July of design year. This cost estimate is
to be submitted electronically via the Eng Form 3086 in the Programming, Administration, and
Execution System (PAX). The submitted CWE is to be reviewed, validated, and approved by
HQUSACE (CEMP-E) prior to its submission to HQDA (DAIM-FD).
a. General
(1) Whenever possible, the same design entity (in-house personnel or an A-E firm) should
be used to do the complete design of a project, including both the Code 3 design and final design.
This approach maintains continuous design responsibility, and reduces design cost and time. The
use of the same design entity for both the Code 3 design and final design depends on the schedule
constraints, and procurement of an A-E contract.
(2) If there is sufficient time to contract with the same A-E Firm for both phases, a base
contract for the Code 3 design, with an option for the final design, may be negotiated and
awarded. The option for final design may not be awarded until receipt of the Code 6 authority
and final design funds. Normally Code 6 authorizations will not be issued until September or
October of the design year.