DG 1110-3-106
Department 1
Department 2
A Administration
B Classrooms
C Shops
Figure 5-5
Separate Department Organization
Departments 1 & 2
Figure 5-6
Adjacent Departments and Shared Space
general rule, classroom and shop space should be
(3) Loud noise-generating spaces should be
assigned to the departments nearest to it. Instructor
consolidated and separated from the rest of the school.
access to classrooms is optimized if each resident
department is situated along a major circulation route.
(Figure 5-7).
It is more cost effective to contain or reduce sound
levels at the source than to provide sound control in
d. Most service schools have a requirement for secure
all affected spaces. To the extent that it is
areas in which to use and store classified materials.
operationally practical to do so, those items of
These areas must be planned so that they do not
equipment which produce extreme intensities of sound,
disrupt school circulation patterns by creating dead end
such as turbine engines, shall be consolidated and
corridors. (Figure 5-8).
shielded with acoustic insulation materials. They shall
be located at sufficient distance from other training
areas to allow adequate sound reduction. (Figure 5-9).