Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
Illustrative Designs
March 1983
tion corridor to the Day Area and private Offices, and to
the existing classroom space (see Figures 6-7, 6-9). The
the Unit Supply and Individual Practice Room area. Though
spaces have access to the Loading Dock through the Stor-
not ideal for the locker function, this does place the instru-
age Room. Access to the Unit Supply desk is slightly
ment lockers convenient to all function-spaces where the
less convenient than ideal, and movement of large instru-
instruments will be used, and is efficient use of the exist-
ments and equipment from the Storage Room must tra-
verse a circuitous path through circulation corridors and the
ing space. Instrument Cleaning is just off this Locker space,
adjacent to the Day Area.
Lobby. As in the new design, Instrument Repair is
included within the Unit Supply Room, with a metal-cage
8. Day Area. This area utilizes the balance of an
partition and outside window. Storage is a separate room
existing open clerical space, plus a glazed addition to
for higher security.
the rear of the existing structure (see Figure 6-7,6-9). Access
is off the Instrument Locker area. This plan provides a
5. Individual Practice Rooms. These are the only
acoustically sensitive spaces in the existing building, within
place for game tables in the existing space, and lounge fur-
what had been the open classroom area. The solution
nishings in the windowed addition, divided by a kitchen-
involves using prefabricated sound modules, which can
ette counter. Outdoor views and direct access to an outdoor
recreation Patio are also built into the added space.
be easily placed within the existing space without complex
renovation. Despite the high cost of these modules, this
9. Outdoor Space and Site Design. The siting of and
approach is often the best solution for band renovations,
access to the existing structure determine much of the site
because the self-contained modules achieve sound isola-
layout and design (see Figure 6-10). A new Entry Court
tion and room acoustics qualities that would be hard to other-
is built in front of the new music spaces and Main Entrance,
wise guarantee. These modules may take up more
with benches and landscaping, and direct access from
building area relative to the usable practice room area,
the drop-off area (see Figure 6-8). The paved recreation
because of their spacing requirements. Eight modules,
Patio off the Day Area is defined by the angle of the new
of varying sizes, are accommodated in this plan.
addition at the back, and new trees and plantings. All the
6. Offices. The Administration and Operations/Trans-
other outdoor function-spaces are to the right of the facility,
portation space and Enlisted Bandleader's Office are
as in the existing: The Loading Dock is expanded to also
located at the front of the existing structure, next to the con-
serve as an Outdoor Performance space, facing a serv-
structed addition. This provides a good position for the
ice yard and an audience area. Parking extends along the
CQ desk - on the boundary between the "public" and
street frontage, in front of this service yard area. Mechani-
"private" zones, in view of the Main Entrance, large music
cal Space access leads off this service yard, in back of the
building. And the Drill Area is also found behind the Load-
spaces and Library, but also next to and surveying the indi-
ing Dock and service yard.
vidual Instrument Lockers and Day Area. The Com-
mander's and NCO/Performance Group Leaders' offices
10. Construction. The construction of the new additions
reuse two existing office spaces. The circulation connec-
is designed to match the existing building: slab-on-grade,
tion between the offices, and especially the access to the
masonry walls and concrete roof structure. The new and
private offices, is more extended than would be desirable,
old parts are all on the same single level. New exterior walls
and passes through the Instrument Locker area.
are faced in brick to match the existing, and the new
7. Individual Instrument Lockers. Lockers are provided
pitched roofs are asphalt-shingled (see Figure 6-8). The
for all the musicians' instruments along a long corridor
interior finishes and technical systems are similar to those
in the center of the building. Some are double-stacked mod-
in the new design described in Paragraph 6-2, with the exist-
ing facility modified to match.
ules (as shown in Paragraph 4-8); some are single height,
with set-down space on top. This area doubles as a circula-