Design Guide: Band Training Facilities
Space Criteria
4-9 Day Area
A. Use
(see also Paragraph 2-3)
q Used during breaks in the practice schedule as a place
to gather, relax, play pool or ping pong, have snacks
and drinks.
q May be used by only a few people or by a large part of
the group at one time.
B. Size and Critical Dimensions
640 NSF for a 45 person band; 860 NSF for a 65
person band. (see Figure 4-10)
C. Spatial Character and Organization
Should have plenty of daylight and a pleasant outlook.
Should be comfortable, relaxing environment; removed
from music practice "work" atmosphere.
Should, if possible, be subdivided into two sub-areas:
one more quiet, for lounging and reading; the other
for noisier activities and games.
D. Relationships
(see also Paragraph 3-4)
Easily accessible from Individual Instrument Lockers
and Toilets/Lockers/Showers.
q In "private" zone of facility, shielded from visitor intrusion.
q Visible, in part, from CQ desk, including the door to the
q Direct access to Outdoor Terrace or Patio, for recre-
ation and relaxation.
E. Furnishings and Equipment
Furnished with comfortable chairs, coffee tables,
games tables, and chairs, pool table and/or ping pong
table, magazine rack.
Tackboard for announcements, communication; 4'x4'
Vending machines.
Figure 4-10. Illustrative Day Area Plan
Kitchenette, with counter, sink, small refrigerator, cof-
Individual uniform storage.
fee machine, storage, etc., within or adjoining the Day
q Uniform pressing, by band personnel themselves.
Area, if possible.
B. Size and Critical Dimensions
4-10 Toilets/Lockers/Showers
For a 45 person band, Men's dressing area, with at least
40 lockers, 4 toilets, 4 lavatories, 2 urinals, 4 show-
ers and 2 uniform presses - 880 NSF.
A. Use
For a 45 person band, Women's dressing area, with at
(see also Paragraph 2-3)
least 10 lockers, 2 toilets, 2 lavatories, 2 showers and
1 uniform press - 450 NSF.
Showering and changing uniforms before, after and,
sometimes, in-between performances and rehearsals.
For a 65 person band, Men's dressing area, with at least
Toilets used by all band personnel, including those in
58 lockers, 5 toilets, 5 lavatories, 3 urinals, 5 show-
ers and 2 uniform presses - 1200 NSF.
administration, plus visitors.