UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
Landscaping provides environmental buffers from harsh winds and intense
solar conditions. Strategically located windbreaks minimize the effects of wind erosion
and snow disposition upon the outdoor environment. Proper selection and location of
tree species promote energy savings and create more comfortable and habitable
outdoor places.
Plant materials provide focus and reinforce positive views. Proper landscape
treatment can screen unsightly structural elements and buffer poor visual panoramas.
Quality, usable outdoor spaces are created through an understanding of
existing conditions, programmatic needs and well-developed landscape architectural
concepts. Landscape design and the selection of materials must reflect the mission of
the facility and Tenants needs. Planting must be functionally and esthetically
appropriate and reflect aspects of safety and security as outlined in the Department of
Defense Antiterrorism/Force Protection Standards.
Plant material selection will afford permanent, low maintenance appropriate to
the facility s location. Vegetation must be able to be maintained with a minimum effort,
be vandal resistant, hardy and disease resistant. The use of drought tolerant,
indigenous vegetation that incorporates aspects of sustainability is strongly encouraged.
Trees, shrubs and groundcovers must be hardy to the region in which the
facility is located and must be horticulturally appropriate to the site specific location in
which they are planted. Consideration should be given to adjacent structures and
improvements such that the landscaping does not adversely impact them. On some
Government installations, the Department of Public Works (DPW) may have a list of
preferred plant materials.
Trees and shrubs should be carefully selected to prevent clogged gutters and
drains by leaves and blocked sewer lines due to root damage.
Refer to TM 5-803-13 for comprehensive landscape design considerations.
General Design Considerations.
Esthetics Architectural Style and Character
2- The military facility, by its presence, represents national security, strength,
austerity, efficiency, professionalism and pride in country and community.
2- Each facility is also the home and workplace of the soldiers it houses, and
should provide them with a feeling of pride and ownership. An attractive facility can
enhance the Tenants sense of identity, and serve as one tool for the recruitment of new