UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
Lighting 20 fc; explosion-proof, fluorescent fixtures on pilot-lighted switch
outside room
Voice/data none
Battery shelving
special features or Considerations
Continuous metal raceway with duplex receptacles at 24 in (600 mm) o.c.
above battery racks; sail switch connection to ventilation
Ordinary hazard sprinklers
Direct support and general support (DS/GS) maintenance shops will be built
only in support of a unit whose mission is DS/GS maintenance. This level of
maintenance activity requires more specialized repair, calibration equipment, and highly
skilled repairmen. The missions of specific units vary widely. Consequently, a standard
design or even a functional space breakdown has not been developed for DS/GS units.
The project documents will define the specific functional area breakdown and
ancillary support equipment required for each DS/GS shop building. The Tenants will
provide a precise definition concerning the various maintenance functions of the DS/GS
shop and the actual and perceived relationship between the various functions. The
functional and physical requirements of the support facilities must be fully defined to
ensure correct design and layout.
DS/GS shops are rarely built separately from a United States Army Reserve
Center (USARC); therefore, they will normally be built as a part of an OMS or as an
addition to an existing OMS. If the facility s site has sufficient area, it may be more
functional and economical to build a separate structure.
The nature of the DS/GS shop operations require that all space be exclusive
use. Therefore, the DS/GS shop will usually only share a central HVAC unit, a common
wall, access/egress and toilet facilities with the OMS or OMS/AMSA.
Support facilities for a DS/GS will be defined in the project documents for a
specific project and may include a small MEP area, outside storage, covered storage
and an adjacent concrete apron pad for location and operation of mobile maintenance
shop trucks and vans. The design criteria for standard areas such as the shop office,
tool room, battery room, flammable storage and workbays are the same as those for the
OMS. Special maintenance areas, such as tent repair, sheet metal shop, paint shop,
welding shop, etc., will be provided as required by the project documents.