UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
Heating, occupied 68 degrees F (20 C); maintained 55 degrees F (13 C)
Cooling to maintain suitable temperatures for equipment, possibly continuous
Ventilation sufficient to maintain suitable temperatures for equipment if
mechanical cooling not required by equipment, comply with ASHRAE 62.1
Lighting 30 fc
Receptacles convenience duplexes; dedicated 20A circuits for servers
Voice/data wall phone
\ There is no furniture provided for this room function/1/
Computer racks are part of the construction contract
LAN equipment and connections by the USAR Installation
special features or considerations
Some units have separate computer systems for OMS operations
Ordinary Hazard
UnHeAteD stORAGe (UHs)
An unheated storage building is provided for storage of equipment and
supplies that do not require a controlled climate. These buildings are typically simple
pre-engineered metal buildings, but may be designed to match other buildings in the
facility if the project budget allows. One or more personnel doors and one or more
overhead doors are typical; the standard overhead door size is 8 ft by 8 ft (2450 mm by
2450 mm. These buildings are not considered warehouses, and are not typically
designed with recessed truck docks, or to accommodate material handling equipment.
The interior space is also typically quite simple: concrete floor, unfinished
walls, service-level lighting and convenience duplex outlets. A telephone may be
provided for communications with the other buildings. No offices or other spaces are
included. Normally, no sprinklers, plumbing, or HVAC are provided.
The Tenants may wish to divide the space with caging to provide space for
individual units, and may also want individual doors. Storage cages and shelving may
also be required, along with open space for palletized storage.
The space allocation for unheated storage is sometimes added to another
building for functionality reasons. If this occurs, this space remains without climate
control. Designers should be aware that the other building may require fire sprinklers,
and must address separation of the spaces accordingly.
If a pre-engineered building is used, provide applicable design loads and
prepare performance specification. Structural design will incorporate details and loads
from any pallet rack systems. Special consideration should be made for frost protection
in cold weather geographical areas.