UFC 4-171-05
1 January 2005
with change 25 October 2006
Lockset entrance
Heating - 68 degrees F (20 C); maintained - 55 degrees F (13 C)
NOTE: In climates exceeding 5,000 degree days, both underslab coils and
overhead infrared radiant heating should be provided. Underslab heating
should be coordinated with concrete slab on grade.
Cooling none
Ventilation comply with ASHRAE 62.1
Lighting 50 fc; pendant 250W pulse start halide with wide distribution and
acrylic lens
Receptacles GFCI duplex receptacles at columns and on walls at 48 in
(1220 mm) AFF
Voice/data voice/data duplexes in each bay
Ground - Provide a static ground receptacle readily available for each bay
\ Workbenches with metal tops/1/
Trouble light/power reel in each bay
special features or considerations
Carbon monoxide detectors
Ordinary hazard sprinklers
Design grade-supported slabs to comply with UFC 3-310-02A and
TM 5-809-12 /2/
4-3.10.1 Separate spaces are provided for the location of electrical panels, telephone
equipment, water heaters, heating equipment, air compressors, and storage of
maintenance equipment and supplies. Codes and Tenant preference may require
separate rooms for telephone and/or electrical systems. Access may be exterior only.
4-3.10.2 Space Design Information
Size varies
Occupancy low hazard storage
Occupancy count not occupied; typically 1 person per 300 sf (27.9 sq m)
Minimum STC rating 40
Ceiling height
Floor concrete
Base none
Walls painted CMU; painted gypsum board as an alternative
Ceiling none; paint structure
Trim none
Lockset entrance