Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
outlet for government provided tire changing machine with cage; locate machine on centerline
between two adjacent repair bays, approximately [____ mm] from exterior column].
Floor: epoxy coating on concrete slab
Base: none
Interior side of exterior walls: painted concrete masonry units or painted concrete to vehicle
door height; prefinished metal liner panels above. Exposed structure shall be painted.
Ceiling: prefinished metal liner panels on underside of roof purlins; exposed structure shall be
painted. Ceiling/roof height shall allow bridge crane hook cradle height of [6000 mm] [for 7
metric ton crane] [7600 mm] [for 32 metric ton crane. [Edit as applicable; if the 32 metric ton
crane is required on one wing of repair bays, and the 7 metric ton crane on the other wing of
bays, the building height and heated volume may be reduced by allowing a lower roof height on
the bays with the smaller crane. Visual effect of differing roof heights should also be
2- Other requirements: Electrical receptacles shall be minimum 610 mm above floor
(refer to Chapter 9). Provide continuous 150 mm wide trench drains with continuous grating
along full width of bays at exterior doors; locate drains approximately 1000 mm from inside face
of exterior walls. Provide 300 mm diameter x 1400 mm high, concrete-filled, schedule 80
galvanized steel, pipe bollards inside the bay at each vehicle door jamb (refer to Chapter 3 for
exterior pipe bollards). Provide ground strap on walls, and minimum of [insert number]
grounding points on each bay floor.