Project Name
Project Number
Statement of Work
UFC 4-214-02, 24 Jul 03
DESIGN STANDARDS AND CODES. Plumbing system shall be designed and
installed in accordance with the latest edition of the International Plumbing Code (IPC).
Inspection and testing of the plumbing system shall be performed as prescribed in the
International Plumbing Code. Specified materials and equipment shall be standard products of
a manufacturer regularly engaged in the manufacturer of such products. Specified equipment
shall essentially duplicate equipment that has performed satisfactorily at least two years prior to
bid opening.
Additional consideration in the technical evaluation will be given to systems which
incorporate measures beyond the requirements of this STATEMENT OF WORK which are
designed to increase energy conservation, ease of maintenance, or occupant comfort (such as
water filtration and purification), higher efficiency water heating systems, higher grade plumbing
fixture materials (such as enameled cast iron tubs as opposed to enameled steel or plastic), etc.
System design and installation must conform to the following mandatory energy and
water conservation criteria: ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2001.
Hot water heater calculations. Design shall be based on the methods described in
the American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE) Volume I, Fundamentals of Plumbing
Design. Submit calculations for determining storage capacity and recovery rate. Hot water
delivered to toilet facilities shall not exceed 38 C; hot water delivered to showers shall not
exceed 44 C.
Piping. Design shall be based on the International Plumbing Code for domestic
water, sanitary waste and vent piping. All water piping shall be sized in accordance with
methods outlined in the International Plumbing Code, to limit water velocity in the pipe to 2440
mm/sec unless a lower velocity is recommended by the plumbing fixture manufacturer(s). An
isometric diagram of the water system shall be included in the design submittal. An isometric
diagram of the sanitary sewer system shall be included in the design submittal.
Water heaters shall have round, glass lined tanks, and shall be installed with an
integral insulating wrap with a minimum R value of 5. Access shall be provided in the wrap for
service and maintenance openings. Storage water heaters that are not equipped with integral
heat traps and having vertical pipe risers shall be installed with heat traps directly on both the
inlet and outlet. Circulating systems need not have heat traps installed. The water heater relief
drain shall be manufacturer approved, and shall be indirectly connected to the building sanitary
sewer system. Water heaters shall be sized in accordance with paragraph 8-2.1 for a 32
degrees C rise. Minimum equipment efficiencies shall be in accordance with DOE Buying
Energy Efficient Products Recommendations ( refer to for
recommended efficiencies) or Energy Star.
Additional consideration in the technical
evaluation will be given to designs which include water heaters which exceed the minimum
energy efficiency requirements and which utilize high efficiency, power vented, or sealed