28 February 1997
Annex B, AEI for BUP
First Edition
(18) Removal of asbestos, lead base paint or other HTM, if any.
k. Optional Features.
(1) Cleaning of Exterior. Cleaning of the exterior of the barracks buildings is authorized, if
desired by the installation.
(2) Roofs. Currently SSMRS with gables are part of the BUP. However, if the installation
DPW desires that SSMRS not be provided or to use another type of roof system, because of cost,
architectural theme, etc, they must obtain concurrence from the OACSIM.
(3) Ceiling Fans. Currently ceiling fans are part of the BUP. However, If the installation
DPW desires that ceiling fans not be provided, they must obtain concurrence from the OACSIM.
(4) Mail Boxes. One community pedestaled postal mail box per building is authorized, if
desired by the installation.
l. Checklists. Design agencies are encouraged to use the "Generic Checklist" developed by
CESWF (part of the "Generic" Standard Package). This checklist identifies repetitive types of
deficiencies in a simplistic "yes and no" format.
a. General. Design analysis should be complete and kept to the minimum necessary to ensure
the adequacy of the design.
b. Renovations and Replacements. The design analysis should reflect the installation (s)
articulated needs and desires. When applicable, the design analysis will also substantiate that all
building components and systems, renovated or replaced, will be upgraded or replaced to comply
with the latest, life cycle, cost-effective technologies, where technically feasible for the application
at hand.
c. Standard Design Analysis Sheets. Standard design analysis sheets should be developed
by each design agency for use with the BUP process.
8. PROJECT DRAWINGS. There is no standard number of drawing sheets required for a
particular project. Drawings should be combined, if possible, to keep the total number of sheets
to a minimum. Again, local variations are authorized based on the practices in each design agency.
Digital photographs inserted directly on drawings are an effective way to convey proposed work