28 February 1997
Annex B, AEI for BUP
First Edition
CCB CD-ROM is updated and issued quarterly, and is available on a yearly subscription basis.
CCB information may be obtained from HQUSACE (CEMP-EA), telephone (202) 761-1203.
12. SPECIAL CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS. The design agency should determine
whether special contract requirements, instructions, conditions and notices to offerors, or any
other statements can be referenced in the solicitation. This option should be considered only after
close coordination with, and approval by, OACSIM, construction staff, contracting and counsel.
See the Program Management Plan (PMP) for detailed information on Special Contract
13. COST ESTIMATES. The construction cost estimate based on the generic standard
package (LBC&W) was prepared using the MS-DOS version of MCACES Gold based on costs
for Fort Hood, Texas in February 1997. The costs must be adjusted for location and escalation,
non-standard barracks, as well as site-adapted for a project. The cost estimate includes total
replacement of various systems such as mechanical, electrical and others, which is noted
elsewhere, that may not be required. The estimate contains costs for both non-phased
construction and phased construction that is based on one building module at a time.
a. Scope. The cost engineer should ensure that the proper scope is reflected in the
estimates, that the scope and work classification described in the DA Form 4283 or the DD Form
1391 is accurately reflected in the cost estimate. Deviations of funds and design errors should be
reported to the design team leader who will then coordinate with the project manager.
b. Funds and Cost Data. Projects with costs above funding limitations or PA must be
brought to the immediate attention of the project manager and HQUSACE (CEMP-MA) to
ensure that funds can be made available to cover the actual estimated costs, prior to advertisement
or negotiation. All projects should be designed within the available funds. Where cost data are
not available or for non-standard barracks, the procedures developed in TM 5-800-2 should be
followed. The use of MCACES is mandatory for detailed estimates.
c. Additional Information. For additional information on cost estimates contact
Mr. Ronald Hatwell, CEMP-EC, COM (202) 761-1240 or DSN 763-1240; facsimile COM (202)
761-0999 or DSN 763-0999; Internet ronald.hatwell@inet.hq.usace.army.mil.
14. "LESSONS-LEARNED." HQUSACE (CEMP-EA) will develop, operate, and maintain a
Lessons-Learned system for the BUP that reflects all technical changes, modifications, and
recommendations to the BUP design criteria. Send all recommended changes, modifications, and
copies of your site specific designs to HQUSACE, ATTN: CEMP-EA, 20 Massachusetts Ave.,
N.W., Washington, D.C. 20314-1000. This will enable us to share and provide continued design,
contracting, and construction feedback to districts executing the BUP.