28 February 1997
Annex B, AEI for BUP
First Edition
1. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES. Upon receipt of the code 9 directive from HQUSACE,
the geographic district will be responsible for accomplishing the following activities (see PMP for
additional information):
a. Perform Bidibility, Constructibility, Operability, and Engineering review concurrently with
site adaptation of generic standard design.
b. Verify the presence or absence of asbestos, lead based paint and other HTM prior to
contract advertisement.
c. Confirm schedule for vacancy of buildings. Although not recommended, if it is decided to
maintain partial occupancy during construction, the "stack" containing the mechanical room must
be the first one turned over to the contractor. Also, temporary utility services, including
temporary boilers and chillers when necessary, must be provided. Even in this case, some
temporary utility outages may be unavoidable. This partial occupancy of a building during
construction will add significantly to the construction cost and effect the construction schedule.
Construction sequencing should be included in the contract documents and be submitted for
Government review and approval (see the PMP for additional information).
d. Develop and issue separate task order for each building to be renovated. Task order
development and negotiations shall be funded as a design activity. The scope of each task order
shall be limited to that described on the approved DD Form 1391. Pricing of each task order shall
be negotiated based upon the unit prices in the basic contract. Work will commence within 90
days of issuance of the task order. The contracting officer will verify that the DPW has certified
work categorization at the time of task order issuance (see the PMP for additional information).
keys to achieving quality is to assure sound architectural and engineering surveillance during
construction and shop drawing reviews. The design team must be in very close coordination with
OACSIM and the installation to obtain their concurrence and approval when doing engineering
during construction and shop drawing efforts that are discussed below.
a. Shop Drawing Submittals. The design team should evaluate specific systems, especially
those related to issues such as fire protection, roofing, and HVAC, to require submittal of shop
drawings. This must be done prior to Invitation For Bids (IFB) on a construction contract.