28 February 1997
Annex B, AEI for BUP
First Edition
a. General. BUP specifications should be concise and describe only the minimum
requirements necessary to obtain the desired materials, services, and level of quality required.
Specifications should reference industry standards whenever possible as the briefest way to
adequately define project requirements for products and services. To speed up contract
administration, requirements for contractor submittals (e.g., shop drawings, test reports, and
certificates) should be minimized to the maximum extent possible with the concurrence of the
design agency Construction Division and the installation.
b. Trade (Brand) Names and Proprietary Items. Generally, materials, systems,
equipment, and methods should be specified by reference to industry standards in a way that does
not unnecessarily restrict competition. When adequate industry reference standards are not
available, project specifications may be developed using proprietary and brand name Aor equal"
descriptions in accordance with DFARS 210.004 (b) (3). This option should be considered early
in the design process and only after close coordination, and approval by contracting and counsel.
c. Project Specifications. The Corps of Engineers Abridged Guide Specifications
(CEAGS), developed and maintained by HQUSACE, are intended for small projects, minor
elements of large projects, and maintenance and repair projects. These documents are a
condensed version of the Corps of Engineers Guide Specifications (CEGS) and are well-suited as
guides for developing many portions of the BUP project specifications. For other portions of the
project specifications or where CEAGS do not exist, it will be more appropriate to edit the basic
CEGS. There are two official media for distributing all HQUSACE MILCON guide
specifications: TECHINFO and Construction Criteria Base (CCB).
(1) TECHINFO. TECHINFO is a computer-based construction criteria information
system that is managed by the U.S. Army Engineering and Support Center, Huntsville. The
system is designed to facilitate the flow of information to and from USACE technical users and
contains the most current editions of guide specifications and HQUSACE design and engineering
criteria documents. TECHINFO may be accessed through the USACE Home Page on Internet
(located at http://www.usace.army.mil) or by dialing the system data line at (205) 895-1799 via a
personal computer and modem. TECHINFO questions may be addressed to the system operator,
telephone (205) 895-1826.
(2) Construction Criteria Base. Construction Criteria Base (CCB) is a Department of
Defense sponsored compact disk-read only memory (CD-ROM) system distributed by the
National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS). In addition to the guide specifications, CCB
contains HQUSACE design and engineering criteria and standards, and criteria and guide
specifications issued by other military departments, Federal agencies, and private industry. The