UFC 4-721-11.1
26 Nov 01
b. Fuel Piping and Storage Systems. This subfactor considers the fuel piping systems proposed for the
facility. These systems include natural gas, fuel oil, propane, or other fuel type systems. Evaluators shall
consider the narrative information with respect to installation location and material selection. To the greatest
extent possible, evaluate the provisions for containment of leaks and the accessibility of the piping for
replacement and repair.
Other Considerations: If fuel oil or propane storage tanks are proposed for use they must comply explicitly
with the statement of work requirements.
/__ / Excellent
/__ / Above Average
\ /1/
/__ / Average
\ /1/ /__ / Poor
/__ / Unacceptable
Proposal Strengths. Include narrative comments with respect to proposal strengths in the area of
Fuel Piping and Storage System design. Comments are required for all ratings above "AVERAGE".
Proposal Weaknesses. Include narrative comments with respect to proposal weaknesses in the area
of Fuel Piping and Storage System design. Comments are required for all ratings above
Other Comments. Include any other comments with respect to Fuel Piping and Storage System
design here.
Appendix B Page 36