UFC 4-740-02
26 September 2006
Special Req.
The metric unit equivalent for the track distance must be an accurate soft conversion
because runners will time themselves based on number of laps; the reference point
must be consistent. Track length is based on the inside radius. Lanes are 1067 mm
(42 in.) wide.
The turns should have a minimum inside radius of 6100 mm (20 ft.) and a minimum
outside radius of 9.75 m (32 ft.).
Consider using banked curves. The height of banked curves on an indoor track should
be 25 mm per 305 mm (1 in. per 1 ft.) of track width.
Provide a "lobby" area at the entrance to the track so that the doors do not open onto
the track area and to provide space for stretching and warm-up. Provide an exercise
mat in this area. Provide vision panels in the doors.
Provide for exterior views if possible or, at a minimum, natural light admission. Mitigate
glare and prevent direct sunlight on the track or the gymnasium (if suspended above).
Service Exceptions: The Services vary as to allowable length and number of lanes:
Army. Minimum track distance/size is 115 m (1/14 mile) and two lanes which will fit
over the smallest gymnasium option. In facilities with an arena-style gymnasium, use a
track distance/size of 130.5 m (1/12.3 mile) in length and three lanes. The preferred
distance/size is 146.3 m (1/11 mile) in length and three lanes.
Navy. Minimum track distance/size is 115 m (1/14 mile) and two lanes which will fit
over the smallest gymnasium option. In larger facilities, the preferred distance/size is
146.3 m (1/11 mile) in length and three lanes. In Extra Large and Jumbo size facilities,
the Navy will include a 201.2-m (1/8-mile), four-lane track.
Air Force. Minimum track distance/size for new facilities is 201.2 m (1/8 mile) and four
lanes. Minimum track distance/size for add/alter facilities is 161 m (1/10 mile) and
three lanes.
Marine Corps. Minimum track distance/size for new facilities is 201.2 m (1/8 mile) and
four lanes. The minimum track distance/size for add/alter facilities is 146.3 m (1/11
mile) in length and three lanes.
Typically, the most space and cost effective location for the indoor track is suspended
above the gymnasium. Service-specific size and length criteria for the track is given
above, but consider the following when sizing the indoor track:
Ensure the suspended track does not interfere with gymnasium play below. The
track should not encroach into the clear zones of the gym. While decreasing the
track turn radii may preclude the track from encroaching on the clear zones, radii
smaller than the minimum noted above will make for an awkward running venue
and should be avoided.
Ensure that required adjacencies are not affected by the placement of the track.
The facility can be designed to allow the track to extend beyond the gymnasium
area and into other high-bay spaces, such as the fitness area. This can make for
an interesting architectural feature, but will also have significant cost implications.
For use during project execution by the appropriate Service agency
Min. net m2 (ft2)