UFC 4-740-06
12 January 2006
This optional area is intended for large area outdoor activities, such as team sports.
Consider designing features to accommodate a regulation soccer field or a little-league
baseball field. At a minimum, this space should also meet the Park, Recreation, Open
Space and Greenway Guidelines.
Design Youth Centers to be barrier-free and accessible in compliance with the
accordance with the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS), published as
html/ufas.htm, and 28 CFR Part 36, the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility
For antiterrorism requirements, refer to UFC 4-010-01 and UFC 4-020-01, DoD Security
Engineering Facilities Planning Manual.
Use an integrated approach to the planning and design of Youth Centers that minimizes
energy consumption and optimizes life cycle cost renewable energy possibilities. Use a
practical combination of site selection and siting, energy conserving building envelope
technologies, energy efficient lighting, occupant sensing controls, variable frequency
drives for motors and exhaust fans, and high efficiency HVAC systems to achieve this
goal. Incorporate renewable energy principles such as day-lighting, passive and active
solar heating, natural ventilation, and photo-voltaics where they are life cycle cost
Service Specific.
See the following Service-specific requirements:
Army. Design Youth Center projects with consideration for sustainable
ratings in eight facility categories: Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy and
Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, Facility Delivery
Process, Current Mission, and Future Missions. The minimum rating for the Army's
Sustainability Project Rating Tool (SPiRiT) must be in accordance with the current
rating. Most projects can reach the sustainability rating without increasing costs, while
improving installation sustainability and balancing available resources with customer
requirements. Understanding and applying the principles of Sustainable Design and
Development and using the SPiRiT rating process improves day-to-day decisions and
project quality.