UFC 4-740-06
12 January 2006
The Check-in area is the primary area to monitor and control access into and out of
the building. Youth will be checked in
here, and all visitors must register at this
point. It must have visible control over all
primary entrances/exits and the Commons
and access points to other spaces.
Game supplies may be stored at the
check-in desk. The audio and CCTV
controls will also be located here.
2.74 m (9 ft.) minimum.
Min. Ceiling Ht.
Walls. Painted gypsum wallboard. Consider vinyl wall coverings.
Floor. VCT with vinyl or
rubber base. Consider carpet or
cushioning properties
behind the counter.
Ceiling. ACP. Consider using the ceiling to define and separate this area from the
None required.
20 C (68 F) minimum, 26 C (78 F) maximum
Provide system per paragraph 3-5.3.
Fire Protection
Provide power for all equipment. Perform a power requirement survey, as this area's
power requirements are extremely site and locale specific.
540 lux (40 fc). General ambient lighting. Provide task lighting; consider decorative
CCTV. All lobby monitors must be viewable from this area.
CATV/Internal Video. None required.
PA/Audio. PA controls. Provide a speaker.
Telephone. Provide one line per two points of sale (POS). Provide at least two
additional general-purpose phone lines.
Data. Provide one outlet per POS. Provide additional outlets, as needed, for
associated hardware.
Security. None required.
Provide a 610 mm (24 in.) deep counter with built-in cabinets. Provide file drawers and
storage drawers with a minimum of two lockable drawers for each POS. The counter
should be dual height for standing transactions, seated office functions, and ADA
customer service. Note that ADA-height counter should have knee-hole space on both
sides of the counter. Consider a durable material for the counter such as solid
surface--laminate edges are not permitted. Consider supports such as steel angle
braces for counters with knee-hole space. Modesty panels and apron must be of
durable materials. Consider providing wall and base cabinets and equipment counter.
Point-of-Sale units, desktop computer for administrative functions. CCTV monitors.
Printers. Chairs and stools. Scanner or swipe-card check-in device.
Fixtures &
Equip. (FF&E)
Consider providing a gate between desk and surrounding area. Consider providing a
coiling door or grille at the counter to serve as a security screen.
For use during project execution by the appropriate Service agency
Min. net m2 (ft2)