4-4.5.2 Masonry:
May be structural.
C a n be single wythe or a grouted double
wythe, or cavity wall.
Masonry units
c a n be concrete block, brick, struc-
tural glazed tile, stone, etc. A wide
v a r i e t y of surface finishes, bond and
j o i n t p a t t e r n s , a n d unit sizes are
4-4.5.3 Stud Walls:
Use metal or
w o o d studs, c o v e r e d with a sheathing
o f cement plaster, o r sheet materials
such as plywood, h a r d board, or cement-
a s b e s t o s board.
Solid wood siding or
w o o d shingles are also used. A
variety of plaster textures are avail-
able, with color either integral or
Sheet materials may be fac-
tory or site-finished. (2)
4-4.5.4 Curtain Walls:
A wall
a s s e m b l y consisting of a metal mullion
grid with infill panels of an opaque,
translucent or transparent material. (3)
M u l l i o n grid may be of aluminum, steel,
stainless steel, bronze, etc.
p a n e l s may be single piece or composite
p a n e l s with insulated cores and an
i n s i d e and outside facing material.
Opaque panels may be metal, precast
c o n c r e t e , plastic or assemblies of
c e m e n t - a s b e s t o s board, gypsum board,
h a r d board, etc.
Non-opaque panels may be glass or
p l a s t i c mounted in fixed or operable