4-4.3.5 Wall Panels Subsystem: A
w a l I assembly consisting of panels
spanning from floor to floor, with no
mullion grids.
Panels may have voids
permitting insertion of translucent
o r transparent materials or doors.
Materials are similar to curtain
walls. (1)
4 - 4 . 3 . 6 Operable Sash: May span
entire opening from floor to floor
o r be a part of a curtain walI or
w a l I panel system, or be inserted in
a concrete, or rnasonry, or frame
( 2 ) Materials may be:
Sash Frame: Aluminum, steel,
stainless steel, bronze, wood
Plastic, sheet
glass, plate glass, polished
plate glass, clear glass,
tinted glass, wire glass,
s a f e t y g l a s s , t e m p e r e d glass,
t e x t u r e d glass, sealed double
p a n e unit, etc.
4-4.3.7 Fixed Sash: Nature and
materials similar to operable sash.
M a y also be directly attached to
c o n c r e t e or masonry walIs, using
n e o p r e n e gasketing. (3)