4-5.4.2 Uses:
These systems are
a p p r o p r i a t e when partitions are
e x p e c t e d to be moved fairly infre-
q u e n t l y , as part of major space
Trained personnel
are necessary to move these
Portable partitions are defined as
relocatable partitions generally
having prefinished surfaces, both
s i d e s , and being fabricated as a
single repetitive unit that can be
s i m p l y handled and erected by non-
skilled labor. (1)
4-5.5.1 Characteristics: This
partition is light in weight and is
c a p a b l e of Attachment to floors and
mechanical means.
These two charac-
teristics tend to reduce the
e f f e c t i v e n e s s of such systems as
a function of density and continuous
firm attachment is a requirement for
o p t i m i z i n g the reduction of sound
transfer through joints in the
Portable partitions, for
s i m i I a r r e a s o n s , t e n d not to be well-
l o a d i n g , either as impact or sustained
4-5.5.2 Uses:
These systems are
a p p r o p r i a t e when it is expected that
walls will be moved relatively fre-
quently, and where their inability
t o house electrical and plumbing
s e r v i c e s is not disadvantageous.