4-5.1 GENERAL:
Partitions are conveniently grouped in five main
c a t e g o r i e s , which relate to their degree of locational permanence.
f i x e d , r e p l a c e a b l e , d e m o u n t a b l ej portable, and operable.
categories are:
4 - 5 . 2 FIXED PARTITIONS: Fixed
p a r t i t i o n s are intended to remain in
place for the life of the building.
Though any wall can be demolished,
walls that are part of the building
Support structure, or are reinforced
c o n c r e t e or masonry walIs, are
obviously relatively difficult to
r e m o v e , and should be considered
4-5.2.1 Characteristics:
partitions are generally constructed
o f precast or poured-in-place con-
crete (1), or masonry (2).
4-5.2.2 Use:
Fixed partitions
s h o u l d be carefulIy located so that
they will not limit building flex-
Desirable locations are at
the building perimeter, or assoc-
i a t e d with other permanent elements,
s u c h as toilets, stairs, and eleva-
In seismic areas, interior
fixed partitions may serve as later-
a l resisting elements and be located
for structural purposes. The loca-
tion of these partitions is most
critical because their later removal
is all but impossible.
R e p l a c e a b l e partitions are non load-
b e a r i n g , but are not reusable when
Replaceable partitions are construc-
t e d of metal lath, studs and plaster,
g y p s u m board and studs, or un-reinforced
concrete masonry, sol id gypsum blocks
or tiles. (3)