Replaceable parti-
4-5.3.2 Uses:
t i o n s are used where eventual
relocation is a possibility, but
f r e q u e n t movement is not anticipated.
R e m o u n t a b l e partitions are defined
as relocatable partitions that are
a n assembly of structural frames,
p a n e l s and trim which together pro-
vide a rigid, finished space-
4-5.4.1 Characteristics: The
stability of this system usually is
a c h i e v e d through the anchorage of
f l o o r and ceiling channel members
into which the vertical structural
S n a p - o n trim is
studs clip.
a p p l i e d to cover raw edge conditions.
T h e r e are two general systems:
S t u d and Facing Panels:
P a n e l s on either side of the
structural frame are inde-
p e n d e n t and can therefore be
removed and replaced on one
side of the partition with-
out interrupting the activity
P a n e l faces
o f the other.
m a y also be of different mat-
T h e void
may be filled with insulation
t o increase the soun d attenu-
ation rating of the wall or
u s e d for the instal l a t i o n of
electrical o r
plumbing lines. (1)
B. P o s t and Panel: A system of
p o s t s are attached to a ceil-
i n g track and a floor track
and the spaces between are
filled with a composite panel,
glazing or doors. (2)