O p e r a b l e partitions are defined as
t h o s e that are readiIy movable along
tracks for the subdivision of a
l a r g e space into two or more smaller
W h e n not in use, they stack
against walIs perpendicular to the
p a t h o f t r a v e l , o r into a storage
p o c k e t designed for that purpose.
4-5.6.1 Characteristics:
Operable partitions vary widely,
from heavy rigid panels that inter-
l o c k when in position to provide a
v e r y robust and durable wall (1), to
a light fabric covered accordion fold-
i n g door which serves primariIy as a
visual barrier (2).
d o o r s are generally manually opera-
t e d , while heavy panelized walls
a r e motor operated.
4-5.6.2 Uses:
These partitions
are used when immediate and easy
s p a c e subdivision is necessary.
4-5.6.3 Decorative Limitations:
While the space adaptability
a c h i e v a b l e through the use of
readiIy movable partitions is
obvious, their use tends to limit
t h e decorative character of spaces
so subdivided, and it is difficult
o r impossible to change the
character or to redecorate their
factory applied finishes.
Hence, s u r f a c e f i n i s h e s o f o p e r a b l e
partitions should be of neutral
colors, or in natural materials,
that will not establish the dominant
d e s i g n character of the space
Changes may then be
introduced through furnishings,
d r a p e s , carpet replacement and
r e d e c o r a t i o n of non-movable walI
surfaces and lighting.