Chapter 6
Fort East:
Renovated Local Troop Center
a. Post Situation and
(1) Surrounding Context. Fort East is located in the
eastern United States, approximately 45 miles from a
major metropolitan area. The surrounding counties have
recently experienced considerable suburban housing and
support services development. Immediately outside the
post, on one of the major access roads, is an extensive
strip development of restaurants, fast food outlets, bars,
movies, bowling, recreational activities and retail ser-
vices. These facilities are heavily patronized by the on-
post population, as are the recreational and entertain-
ment opportunities of the nearby metropolitan area, for
evening and weekend activities.
(2) Post Mission and Population. Fort East primarily
supports a large number of specialized, highly technical
operational units with diverse functions, including techni-
cal training. The current military strength of the post is
8,500, though for planning purposes it is projected as
15,000. The post contains slightly over 4,000 single
troop barracks spaces. There are roughly 3,000 family
housing units, accommodating about 10,000 people.
Many additional single troops, and some married military,
live off-post in the surrounding communities. There is an
active dependent youth population of 12,000. Post facili-
ties also serve some 20,000 civilian employees who work
in the technical operations, and approximately 67,000
military retirees in the area.
(3) Geography. The terrain of the site is gently rolling.
As the masterplan (figure 6 - 19) shows, post operations
areas are located in the southeastern and southwestern
sectors of the cantonment. The single troop billets are
concentrated near some of the operations facilities, in the
southwest quadrant. The family housing is clustered in
closely packed neighborhood units with individual ele-
mentary schools, mostly in the northern half of the can-
tonment and near the post boundary. The beginning of a
Community Center, including main exchange, exists in
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