Illustrative Designs
library, and bowling. The recreation centers, youth activi-
the center of the cantonment, between the family hous-
ties, music and theatre, and child care are housed in
ing and the operations/troop billeting areas. The post
inadequate temporary structures. The MSA programs
administrative center is located slightly to the south of
generally tend to be particularly heavily patronized by
this center.
families - soldiers and their dependents - largely because
the single troops seem to be more likely to take advan-
b. Existing Programs and
tage of the competitive off-post recreational and
entertainment opportunities.
The most active MSA programs are the physical activi-
ties, with over one hundred teams in various sports. The
Fort East has an extensive MSA program in most func-
available facilities cannot accommodate as full a program
tional areas. It is generally adequate for the users'
as is demanded by the users, even though the existing
needs, with the exception of sports, family programs, and
facilities include a new physical fitness center, indoor
child care (a non-MSA program of particular importance
swimming pool, bowling center, and some older facilities
here). The facilities for these programs vary greatly in
such as the field house (see figure 6 - 19). A full range
age and quality. There are excellent new buildings for
of arts and crafts activities (wood, ceramics, photography,
physical fitness, swimming, arts and crafts, auto crafts,
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