MIL-HDBK-1005/9A Valves. Plug valves and ball valves are recommended.
Their self-cleaning tendency when operated reduces the possibility
of flow port blockage by debris in the oily waste. They operate
simply and quickly with 90-degree action full closed to full open
and seal tightly when closed. Piping. Aboveground wastewater and sludge piping should
be designed using ductile iron or carbon steel pipe. Chemical
feed piping and underground wastewater and sludge piping should be
specified as PVC pipe. Due to the corrosiveness of both the oily
waste, with a high seawater content, and the "salt air" atmosphere
at many naval bases, corrosion resistant coating systems should be
specified for both the interior and exterior surfaces of ductile
iron and carbon steel pipe. In areas where seasonal temperatures
fluctuate widely, adequate provisions for expansion and
contraction must be provided to avoid pipe breakage.
For ductile iron and carbon steel piping 4 inches (100
mm) in diameter and larger, cement lining or coal-tar epoxy
coating of interior surfaces, and coal-tar epoxy exterior coating
should be specified. For carbon steel piping smaller than 4
inches in diameter, polyethylene or Saran lining of interior
surfaces and coal-tar epoxy exterior coating should be specified.
Piping should be sized for a velocity of 6 to 8 fps (1.8 to 2.4