TM 5-628/AFR 91-44
9-1. General. Rail crossings are designed to
(1) If the flangeway depth is 1 (1.50)
carry one track across another at grade.
inches or less, operations through the crossing shall
not exceed 10 mph.
(2) No operations shall be permitted
9-2. Requirements.
through any crossing where the flangeway depth is
a. Size. Rail crossings shall be the proper size
1% (1.375) inches or less.
and section for the rails being joined.
b. Flangeway width. Standard flangeway width
kept clear of debris. Any obstructions, including ice
for rail crossings is 17/8 (1.875) inches. Where
and packed snow, shall be removed.
existing flangeway width is less than this amount,
e. Bolts. All crossing bolts shall be in place and
the following restrictions shall be applied.
tight. Loose bolts shall be tightened, and bolts
(1) If the flangeway width is 1% (1.625)
which cannot be tightened shall be replaced. Miss-
inches or less, operations through the crossing shall
ing bolts shall be replaced.
not exceed 10 mph.
(2) No operations shall be permitted
9-3. Anchors.
through any crossing where the flangeway width is
1 (1.50) inches or less.
Where rail anchors are used on track approaching
c. Flangeway depth. New or fully restored
rail crossings, every third tie should be box an-
flangeway depth for rail crossings is at least 17/8
chored (four anchors per tie) for at least two rail
(1.875) inches. Where existing flangeway depth is
lengths in all directions from the crossing.
less than this amount, the following restrictions
shall be applied.