TM 5-628/AFR 91-44
c. Standard gage. Standard gage is 56 (56.5)
b. Designated cross level. On tangent track,
inches. Track will be gaged to this standard except
the designated crosslevel is zero. On curved track,
in curves with high degrees of curvature (see table
the designated crosslevel is equal to the designated
12-1) or other unusual conditions where standard
c. Allowable deviations and operating restric-
gage is not recommended by the engineer in
d. Allowable deviations and operating restric-
(1) At any location where the crosslevel
deviation exceeds 1 (1.5) inches, operations shall
not exceed 10 mph.
(2) At any location where the crosslevel
deviation exceeds 2 (2.5) inches, operations shall
not exceed 5 mph.
(3) Operations shall not be permitted over
any location where the crosslevel deviation exceeds
3 (3.00) inches.
(1) At any location where the gage exceeds
12-4. Superelevation.
57 (57.50) inches, operations shall not exceed 10
a. Definition. Superelevation is the intended in-
crease in elevation of the outer rail above the inner
(2) At any location where the gage exceeds
rail in a curve.
57 (57.75) inches, operations shall not exceed 5
b. Maximum superelevation. The outside rail of
a curve may not be lower than the inside rail or
(3) Operations shall not be permitted over
have more than 4 inches of superelevation.
any location where the gage is less than 56 (56.00)
c. Uniform superelevation. If a curve is
inches or greater than 58 (58.00) inches.
superelevated, the superelevation shall be uniform
throughout the curve.
12-3. Crosslevel.
d. Superelevation runoff. Superelevation runoff
a. Definition. Crosslevel is the difference in
shall be at a uniform rate not to exceed 2 inches in
elevation between the top surfaces of the two rails
any 31 feet of rail and shall extend at least the full
measured at right angles to the track, as shown in
length of the spirals.
e. Required superelevation. The required
figure 12-3. Crosslevel measurements shall include
any evidence of vertical movement under load.
superelevation and maximum operating speeds for
curved track can be determined from table 12-2.