TM 5-628/AFR 91-44
shall be made at least every 3 years in accordance
11-1. General.
with AR 420-72.
a. Debris built up around piers or pilings in
c. Army Technical Manual 5-626, "Bridge In-
streams or drainage channels shall be removed.
spection, Maintenance, and Repair," provides guid-
b. All bridges shall be equipped with guardrails
ance for bridge inspections and determination of
as specified in TM 5-627/AFM 91-33.
maintenance requirements.
c. Rail anchors shall not be
installed on
d. Air Force. For railroad bridges on Air Force
over open deck bridges. Any anchors found on
track, the BCE is responsible for determining when
track over an open deck bridge should be removed
bridge inspections are required.
11-3. Dangerous conditions.
11-2. Bridge inspection.
Any condition in a bridge or bridge foundation that
a. For Army track, at least one detailed inspec-
might adversely effect train operations should be
tion of each railroad bridge shall be made annually
reported immediately to the proper authorities.
by a qualified bridge engineer in accordance with
Train operations over the structure shall not be
AR 420-72.
permitted until the bridge is examined and known
b. For Army track, a thorough inspection of the
to be safe in accordance with TM 5-626.
substructure and superstructure of each railroad
bridge along with a load carrying capacity analysis